We are on a mission to connect parents to community, partnerships and education, in order to grow healthy, loving families. We are equipping, encouraging and empowering parents in their calling to raise influencers and create a better world.


Strong families are rooted in faith.
Each of the programs we offer focus on growing as a person and parent and we understand that in order to grow, each mom must find the One who created her.
Strong families develop in stable environments.
A greenhouse creates a consistent environment for the plants growing within it. It shelters from storms and provides for each plant's needs. In the same way a child’s home should be a place of consistency, where needs are met and protection given as they take root and grow.
Strong families thrive.
Through service opportunities, peer support, leadership and mentorship roles we partner with local churches to raise up individuals who can not only thrive independently but are able to serve and bless others.
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